Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Episode 11 Let Down

I don't know about you, but I was a little let-down after Sunday's show.
How could Emma trust Sidney? I thought she could always tell if someone were lying. And why did she assume Regina was building a house? As the sheriff, one would think she would of at least gathered a little more evidence. Hole proof evidence. I was also a little disappointed at the way the show seemed to be "all over the place". But then again, after the allure of the Mysterious Stranger, and the Mary Margaret/David kiss, I suppose let-down is to be expected. Now, what is all this about Rumpelstiltskin being The Beast??? Well, I guess we'll have to wait two weeks to find out. Yeah, it's not scheduled to show again until February 12th. Bummer.

I'm still intrigued, though, with the Mysterious Stranger. How did he get Henry's book? Why does he have Henry's book? One theory I read, which sounded somewhat plausible is that the Stranger is Henry from the future. Then it was pointed out that he seemed to "c'mon" to Emma, which would be sick. So, I guess that theory is out. I'm still holding on to my own personal theory, that the stranger is Rumpelstiltskin's son, Baelfire, and he is also the one who wrote the book. At least that would be kind of cool if it were Baelfire.

Baelfire; what really happened to him?

...And I will be watching with every other Once Upon a Timer come Sunday, February 12th!

Writers: Give us something good, "please"?

What or who is David and Archie looking at in
Episode 12, "Skin Deep"?
I can't wait until February 12th.  Hmm, a double-12!

And who or what is Mary Margaret looking at?

I find this intriguing, I can't wait for Episode 13, "Where is Frederick?"  My question is: "WHO is Frederick?"

Until next time  <3

Friday, January 27, 2012

Once Upon A Time Characters Or "What's in a Name?"

I've been obsessing about the names of the characters on the show and their meanings.  With some I like to think they're clues, in others I find amusement in figuring out how their Storybrooke names coincide with their Fairy Tale World names. For example, I read somewhere that the Mysterious Stranger's name in the show will be "Jefferson".  Hmmm, I find that interesting from a clue standpoint.  What does that mean? Does that mean his father's name if Jeff, Geoffrey, or or some other variation?  If that's the case, then I need to figure out who "Jeff, etc." is.  Now, my theory is that the Mysterious Stranger is Rumpelstiltskin's son (I'll get to the reasons why some other time, unless it's revealed in the show before I get a chance to write about theories!)  So, if he is Rumpel/Mr. Gold's son, does that mean Mr. Gold's first name is Jeff or some variation?  Wait a minute, what is Mr. Gold's first name??  If not, who is Jeff and is his first name even relevant as to who he actually is?  Now, Rumpel's son's name in Fairy Tale World was Baelfire. How that would relate to Jefferson, I don't know, I haven't thought that far...yet.

Now that the Stranger stuff is out of my head and on virtual paper, I can get into the other characters.

I'm going to begin with the main characters in this story and later on get into the supporting characters with as much detail as possible.  I'm sure there will be things I miss, but that is where you come in.  I'd love to hear what you have to say (be polite...."please"). 

Here are the six main characters and what we know about them:

Mary Margaret Blanchard/Snow White:  Last name in Storybrooke is Blanchard, the English translation from the French word "blanche" is white.

Snow White in the forest
Mary Margaret Blanchard

David Nolan/James aka Prince Charming: Don't know too much about that...yet.

David Nolan
James/Prince Charming

Snow White and James/Prince Charming's beautiful wedding
Emma Swan/Emma:  Snow White & Prince Charming's baby daughter:  Her name is Emma in Storybrooke and in Fairy Tale World. Her mother is "eM"ary "Ma"rgaret in Storybrooke, it's a long shot, but anything's possible!  Her last name "Swan" I find interesting, but have yet to determine what the correlation is.

Emma, wishing upon a star on her 28th birthday

James/Prince Charming right before he puts baby Emma in the wooden wardrobe

Snow White and James/Prince Charming in baby Emma's nursery

Regina Mills/Evil Queen:  The meaning of the name "Regina" is "Queen".  Could "Mills" mean that she was the "Miller's Daughter" in Fairy Tale World
Regina with apples

Evil Queen with apple

Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin:  We all know that Rumpel spun straw into Gold, but what is his first name? For a person (or character) who is so big on names, one would think he would have one.

Rumpelstiltskin with son, Baelfire

Mr. Gold

Rumpelstiltskin: "Please"

Henry Mills: I'm assuming his legal last name is the same as Regina's since he is her adopted son.  Emma is his biological mother. David/Charming and Mary Margaret/Snow are his biological maternal grandparents. His name "Henry" was the Evil Queen's father, who she killed in order to enact the curse.  He is the only character that isn't from Fairy Tale World.  Which leads me to another question.  When the curse is broken, and everyone goes back to Fairy Tale World, what happens to him??  I know this has nothing to do with his name, but it seems that the more I know, the more questions I have. And who is his real father?

* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *
Ok, I posted a comment on Once Upon A Time's Facebook page about the Mysterious Stranger and I'll paste it here.  I don't know if I will get a chance to get to the theory before it's revealed.  So, here it is:

"Maybe Rumpelstiltskin's son wrote the book that
Henry has (AND is the mysterious stranger)...Who else would know
so much about all the stories? Because Rumple loved his son, he
arranged it so he would be transported to the "real world" so he could
help Emma break the curse. And because he was "older" when he was
transported, he remembers FTW.
Also, he (the stranger) talked kind of "riddley" (like Rumple) and
Runpelstiltskin wanted to know Emma's name for a reason back in
the episode where Snow and Charming visited him in jail to find out
how to beat the curse."
4 hours ago  · Like ·  21

Mystery Man

That's all for now!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I'm Obsessed With ABC's Once Upon A Time and the "Mysterious Stranger"

I haven't gotten into a weekly TV show in years. In fact, the last series I was obsessed with was Knot's Landing back in the late 80's  (I'm giving away my age here).  So when my sister asked if I had watched Once Upon a Time, I told her that I hadn't and that I had no intention of having to be home at 8:00 on Sunday nights just to watch a TV show.  She told me she loved the show and wanted someone to talk to about it. 

She then suggested that I watch the Pilot online and tell her what I think.  Since she is my boss and the opportunity to get out of an hours worth of work to watch a show that sounded somewhat interesting, I jumped at it.  Upon finishing the first episode, I was sucked in, hooked, I had to watch the next episode (I was about seven episodes behind at that point). I ended up watching all the episodes in a day and a half, which only left me craving more. 

So, here we are.  I have spent a good portion of my time researching, Googling, trying to figure out, looking for clues about things like - Who is the Mysterious Stranger?  What made the Evil Queen evil?  Is Rumpelstiltskin really evil? Who is Henry's father?  And of course, if you're still reading this, I'm sure you have had the same questions.  I got tired of having to go from one website to another to gather clues.  What I'm going to attempt here, is to try and get all the clues, theories, facts, etc., in one place.  So, bear with me.  I hope this will be a fun journey we all take together, so much fun in fact, that it will fill in all that space in between Sundays when we are able to get our "fix" and hopefully, some answers to many questions.

Keep watching this space, next time I'm going to jump right in and get started on the characters and possible theories. 

Will you join me? "Please?"